What is CPABuild ?
CPABuild is top most affiliate marketing platform. CPABuild premium content locking network with weekly payouts, high paying offers and pre-built templates etc. we can earn 50 $ to 500 $ monthly.
what kind of affiliate program in CPABuild ?
CPABuild is worldwide affiliate platform. Program like mobile install and register, Survey, credit card submit, email and pin submit.
Minimum payout threshold ?
1. minimum 50 $
Commissions type :
CPA : Cost per action.
CPL : Cost per Lead
CPS: Cost per sale
CPI : Cost per Install.
Features :
1. Server Speed.
2. weekly payments.
3. Statistics.
4. Landing page.
5. Content lockers.
6. commissions.
7. Offers.
8. smartlinks.
How to get approval CPABuild marketing?
CPABuild register process is very easy. but put your valid proof and genuinely give your personal details.
1. Enter the personal details
2. Enter the your website
3. Enter your promotional methods. ( promotional methods must be unique )
How to work ?
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